萬一鵬,字嘯雲,號鐸和尚 , 無因老人, 墨廬, 書齋有《萬壑草堂》, 《頻中聖室》, 《海德樓》。1917年生於上海市嘉定,幼承家學,外祖父申竹香和父親雅堂先生,均為一代竹刻名家,家藏書畫碑帖極豐,平時耳濡目染,每喜塗抹臨摹,終日不倦;十嵗時已能作巨幅山水,為同里國畫家趙夢蘇老夫子賞識,收列門牆,兼隨童星彔老師習書法,姚明輝教授治經史;趙老師每稱讚曰:「此子極有藝術潛質,如能循序善教,日後成就,不可測度。」先生因寢饋潛修,十年如一日,將歷代諸家之技法,刻意臨摹,大體有其規矩。




於多倫多深居之時,致力繪事,尤以指畫,鑽研深究,啟前人所未啟,別開新徑。暇時以授藝自遣,恆誡諸子以「察微知理,求精惟勤。」先生於專心授藝外,並著作「萬一鵬山水畫說」一書,以供有志藝術者循序進修。一九九O年在香港大会堂及台北國軍英雄纪念館举辦了「萬一鹏指畫作品展」, 將其指畫作品公诸於世。

先生於一九九四年十月在溫哥華辭世,其遺作由後人編輯成冊,先后於二O一O年出版。有: 萬一鹏藝術天地之《鵬程萬里》《天地一指》和《筆底龍蛇》; 《萬壑丘山》及《萬一鵬山水畫說中英文新版》等。並應邀在香港中文大學文物館及遼寧省博物館等地展出。


Mr. Van I-Pong (万一鹏), alias Xiao Yun (啸云) was born in Jiading, Shanghai (嘉定, 上海), China. During his childhood, he was taught by his father named Van Yatong (万雅堂) who was a famous bamboo sculptor and a collector of Chinese paintings.
At the age of 10, Van could draw long scrolls of landscape. His talent was soon discovered by an eminent artist, Mr. Zhao Meng-su (赵梦苏) who gave him lectures on Chinese paintings. He also learnt calligraphy from Mr. Tong Xing-lü (童星彔) and literature from Professor Yao Ming-hui (姚明辉). Under their guidances, Mr. Van gradually stepped into the field of Chinese art.

Mr. Zhao Meng-su (赵梦苏) encouraged him to sketch the nature, saying "Imitating others' works and spending time on reading books merely provide fundamental training, to be really creative, one must learn directly from the universe. And it means to observe and sketch real landscape."

According to this instruction, Mr. Van began his sightseeing tour together with several friends of same interest. First they toured north and south along Yangtze River (长江), passing over Yellow River (黄河), climbing to the peak of Mount Hua (华岳), visiting the Mount Wutai (五台) and reaching as far as North Wilderness (塞北). At that time, Japan invaded China and occupied Manchuria (东北). Mr. Van was aroused by his patriotism and expressed his feeling in a painting entitled 'Savage Action of a Herd of Wolves in Northern China’ (塞北狼羣) which was exhibited in Nanjing (南京) and received good remarks.

During the wartime, Mr. Van was forced to move about Zhejiang (浙江) and Jiangxi (江西) provinces. He also had the opportunity of touring Mount Tian Mu (天目山), Mount Bian (弁山), Mount Mao (茅山) and made sketches of the landscape.
In 1949, he migrated to Hong Kong, there he met many local artists. Under their mutual influence, he was inspired and generated new ideas of painting.

In 1959, he exhibited his works at St. John’s Hall (圣约翰堂), Hong Kong. In 1971, he was invited by Provincial Museum in Taipei (台北市省立博物馆) to hold an exhibition of classical Chinese paintings. In the winter of same year, he was requested by six universities and cultural bodies in Singapore to display his paintings in the Chinese Club (中华总商会) in Singapore.

In 1973, Mr. Van was appointed lecturer in the Fine Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 1975, his paintings were sent to Yale University, U.S.A. for an exhibition called ‘Introduction of Famous Artists of Today’ which toured round 10 universities in the United States. In 1982, he displayed his works in Hong Kong City Hall. The display drew crowds of admirers every day.

In 1984, he immigrated to Edmonton, Canada. The city is so close to Rocky Mountain (落基山) that he could have frequent opportunities in touring this renowned landscape. Mr. Van had also travelled extensively in the States. Starting from the west coast, he visited San Francisco (旧金山), Los Angeles (洛杉矶), Mount Whitney (美西高峯), Lake Tahoe (太皓湖) and Death Valley (死亡谷). He then climbed the Mont Blanc (白山) to visit the ‘Castle amidst the Cloud’ (云中堡垒). Then he took a cruising tour in River St. Lawrence (圣罗仑斯河).

He then settled down in Toronto which has a nickname of 'Little Hong Kong', where he concentrated again on painting, especially in finger painting of landscape. Mr. Van taught painting at his leisure time and wrote a book entitled Theories of Chinese Landscape Painting (中国山水画说) which is a step-by-step instruction for beginners.

Mr. Van passed away in October, 1994 in Vancouver, Canada. His works were collected as a two-volume album and published in 2010.

万一鹏 个人年表

2012年 《萬壑丘山 -- 萬一鵬山水画展》在遼寧省博物館舉行。 《萬壑丘山》出版。
2011年 《萬一鵬藝術天地》之 “筆底龍蛇”出版。
2010年  “万一鹏艺术天地”出版;
2010年  Published The Artworks of Van I-Pong.
1994年  在加拿大温哥华逝世,享年78岁;
1994年  Passed away in Vancouver, Canada at the age of 78.
1990年  定居加拿大温哥华。;
1990年  Settled down in Vancouver, Canada;
Held an exhibition of finger paintings in Hong Kong City Hall;
Held an exhibition of finger paintings in the Heroic Soldiers’ Hall Building in Taipei, Taiwan.
1989年  在加拿大多伦多完成了指画“禹域尧天图”,高6呎、宽12呎;
1989年  Completed the finger painting “Maginficent Scenery” in Toronto, Canada.
1988年  参加香港艺术馆主办之“香港水墨精华”在英国伦敦展出;
1988年  Participated in the exhibition of Hong Kong water and ink paintings organized by Hong Kong Art Museum, exhibited in London, UK.
1986年  成立“万壑草堂”画会,本有教无类之精神,发扬中华艺术;
1986年  Founded Wan He Studio in Canada to promote the art of Chinese painting;
Exhibited paintings of Van I-Pong and his students in Hong Kong City Hall;
Published Theories of Chinese Landscape Painting which includes not only Van’s paintings but also some essays about the theory and practice of Chinese painting.
1983年  移居加拿大爱明顿,遍游落基山名胜及美加东西岸诸名胜;
1983年  Migrated to Edmonton, Canada and visited the scenery spots in Los Angeles, the East and West coasts of the U.S. and Canada.
1982年  指画新作在香港大会堂展出;
1982年  Finger paintings were exhibited in Hong Kong City Hall.
1976年  晚年醉心研究指画, 钻研深究,启前人所未启,自成一系;
1976年  Concentrated on finger painting and formed a unique style. ;
1975年  参加美国耶鲁大学主办之“当代名画介绍”,作品在美国十大名校巡回展览;
1975年  Held an exhibition called ‘Introduction of Famous Artists of Today’in the Yale University in the United States. Works were toured round 10 universities in the U.S.
1973年  任香港中文大学艺术系讲师;
1973年  Appointed lecturer in the Fine Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
1971年  应台湾中央研究院院长钱思亮博士及省立博物馆之邀,在台北省立博物馆举行个人画展;
1971年  Held an exhibition of Chinese paintings at Provincial Museum in Taipei;
Being invited by six cultural bodies of Singapore, held an exhibition at the Chinese Club.
1959年  在香港圣约翰副堂举行传统国画展;
1959年  Held an exhibition of traditional Chinese paintings at St. John’s Hall in Hong Kong.
1958年  著“万一鹏山水画册”;
1958年  Published Van I-Pong Landscape Painting Album
1949年  南迁香港,复交时下俊彦,切磋学问,出新意于法度之中,别具风韵;
1949年  Migrated to Hong Kong and concentrated on painting. He became an active member in the art circle.
1936年  首次在南京举办写生画展;
1936年  Held the first exhibition of painting in Nanjing.
1927年  十岁开始随赵梦苏习绘事,童星录习书法,姚明辉治经史;
1927年  Learned painting from Mr. Zhao Meng-su, calligraphy from Mr. ong Xing-lü and literature from Professor Yao Ming-hui at the age of 10
1917年  生于上海市嘉定;
1917年  Born in Jiading, Shanghai;
Courtesy names Xiaoyun. Proficient in calligraphy, painting, seal and bamboo engraving. His father Yatang and maternal grandfather Shen Zhuxiang were both masters in engraving.